I don’t talk about makeup very often and I wear it even less. The last few years I’ve been (trying) to be conscientious about which brands I buy. I’d like it to be cruelty-free and generally a good company. Other bonuses (here come the buzzwords) include made in the USA, vegan (or at least vegetarian), and eco-friendly. Here are some cosmetic companies I like.

Image result for mommy makeup
Mommy Makeup – https://www.mommymakeup.com
Makeup for busy moms. All my makeup brushes (aka the 2 I have) are from this company. They aren’t very long — just long enough to fit in my tiny makeup bag.

Physicians Formula
Physicians Formula – https://www.physiciansformula.com
AKA the one I randomly found at CVS. I bought it because of I was curious about a brand that didn’t have a model on the cover. Instead, they brand themselves as medically-oriented (I mean the name). Turns out they’re a decent brand with good products!

Honest Company – https://www.honest.com/
AKA, Jessica Alba’s company.  I haven’t actually tried out their products, but I keep hearing about how good they are. I’m planning on buying an eyeshadow palette off Amazon soon.

One site I visit every time I’m looking for new cosmetics is Cruelty-free Kitty’s list of cruelty-free and vegan makeup brands:

In addition to naming the brand, they say a little about what the brand is about and what they stand for. I love that people are getting so aware about this now!

Here’s a blog post from PETA about vegan cosmetic brands – https://www.peta.org/living/personal-care-fashion/cruelty-free-vegan-makeup/

Anyway, that’s it for now.


DJ Sowms

P.S. The brands own the logos listed on this post, not me. I’m not affiliated with any of these brands. This is not a promotional post, just a post about what brands I use and have looked up.

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